Megacal-M Injection 100mls
* Megacal-M injection for the treatment of the following conditions when complicated by Phosphorus and Magnesium deficiency
– Paresis caused by hypocalcemia before, during or after calving or during lactation
– Downer cow syndrome(including during pregnancy) caused by deficiency diseases or internal secretory dysfunction
* Aids in raising blood magnesium levels where a deficiency may be expected
* Low volume calcium product to encourage correct application
* Highly concentrated calcium
* Contains: 4.6g/100ml of calcium 0.8g/100ml magnesium
* Recommended dosage per treatment: 100-200mls
* Warm solution to body temperature before use
* Administration – Subcutaneous or slow intravenous injection
* Withdarwal Period – Milk Zero hours
– Meat Zero Days
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