€2.00 – €40.00
* Sacrolyte is a complete feeding stuff recommended for the stabilisation of water and electrolyte balance in young calves and pigs
* Blend of electrolytes and glucose that feed the calf and correct digestive upsets
* Can be used for both mild and extreme stomach upsets
* Can be mixed with both whole milk and milk replacer to ease calf back into full milk feed
* Perfect first feed for bought in calves and calves that are under significant stress
* Powder formulation allows for fresh solution to be made before each feeding
* Sacrolyte sachet is an easily mixed electrolyte and digestive supplement to even up the balance of water and electrolytes in young calves. Calves suffering from diarrhoea, scour or any digestive upset can be given a diluted Sacrolyte sachet to aid in their recovery. The Sacrolyte can be mixed with milk and milk replacer to further feed and aid sick calves
* Only available in Rep of Ireland